From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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Presentation toolkit

Presentation toolkit

- How many times a day do you tell a story to get your point across? You might tell historical stories to make an argument or you might be reenacting something that happened to you recently when talking to a friend. As the well-known literature professor, Joseph Campbell, said, "If you're going to have a story, "have a big story, or none at all." There are several ways for you to tell the big story of your work to a prospect. Which one you choose depends on what you have learned about the prospect up to that point. There are two different ways to tell your organization's story, through participation or demonstration. I'm going to walk you through the differences between them and when to use one over the other. The first way is through participation. You will want to get donors involved as much as possible in your presentation. Do this by asking questions and really listening to their answers. Remember, their…
