From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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Key presentation elements

Key presentation elements

- Think about a tough decision you had to make recently and your motivations around what you ultimately decided. Would you classify that decision as a rational or emotional one? Most fundraisers believe that donor motivations fall into one of these two camps: rational donors and emotional donors. This is an oversimplification. In fact, donor motivations are always a mix of both. Likewise, not all donors care about the impact their gift has on the organization's work, but many do. Other donors are not interested in nice stories and photos, but that doesn't mean that they want a presentation with just facts and quantitative measures. They want you to paint this picture in a genuine, straightforward way. In this video, I will tell you how to create a presentation that gives the donor a complete picture of your organization while still engaging them in the story. They rely on you, not the internet, your website or your brochure…
