From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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Donor retention

Donor retention

- The renewal rate of donors who give a second time after the first gift is 50%. That's right, only half of donors ever give to the same organization again. The donor erosion rates don't stop there. In fact, an overwhelming 90% of donors disappear within five renewal campaigns. The best way to increase your value as a fundraiser is to build a loyal donor base through first rate service and consistent follow up. The key to donor retention is to make donors feel important and valued to your organization. How can you effectively think like a donor in an effort to retain your donors? Every fundraiser has heard that people give to people. Once you understand this principle you know that your task is defined and connect with like-minded people to communicate with passion so that you can establish honest and lasting connections and to think like a donor. By learning the three keys to donor retention, you will enable donors to…
