From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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A closing frame of mind

A closing frame of mind

- If you've ever tried to get your way and lost, you might think back on the conversation and try to replay what went wrong or how you could have made your point differently to achieve the result you desired. Closing a gift is not an isolated segment of the fundraising process. In fact, asking is something that happens all throughout the fundraising process. As a successful fundraiser, you begin the process of closing when the prospect agrees to meet with you. When you confirm their needs and when your prospect accepts the benefits your organization can provide to them. Use these tips to help you close the conversation with your prospect by asking for a gift. When you explain to prospective donors what you are asking for and how it benefits both themself and community, you will make a successful ask. If you are unsuccessful at asking, it may be because of inadequate prospecting, failure to qualify the prospect, and…
