From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Using technology

Using technology

- Remember what life was like before the internet? Just a decade ago, the majority of people were still using flip phones or cumbersome Blackberry-style devices. The term smartphone was foreign to most, and the internet was still used mostly for email and getting directions from MapQuest. Thanks to the internet, we live in a highly connected world. And if you weren't using technology to support fundraising before, you are now. There are six pillars that go into the concept of fundraising. In this lesson, I'm going to focus on technology and how it has opened up endless opportunities for nonprofits. Technology allows organizations the ability to fundraise and keep delivering on their mission, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Although digital fundraising can't replace one-on-one, relationship-based donor outreach altogether, there are growing avenues for building your donor pool and identifying potential major donors…
