From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Understanding demographics

Understanding demographics

- Did you know Baby Boomers, those born from 1946 to 1964, have contributed 43% of all nonprofit giving in recent years? Here's another interesting statistic. While Generation Y, those born between 1981 and 2000, are the lowest donors, at 11%, the causes they do donate to include human rights causes and to those fighting on behalf of victims of crime and abuse. And Generation X, those born from 1965 to 1980, make up the largest group of volunteers, at almost 29%. That goes to show there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reaching donors and demographical data can tell you a lot about what matters most to some people. Savvy fundraisers understand and appreciate that donors come from all walks of life and span almost every generation. There are six pillars that contribute to the concept of successful fundraising. In this video, I'm going to focus on demographics, how to spot giving trends, and how to use them with…
