From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Trend spotting your way to donations

Trend spotting your way to donations

From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

Trend spotting your way to donations

- You can study your donors and their generational differences. You can deepen engagement by going all-in with each donor's cultivation strategy. But it's super important to build your awareness of trends through a process called trend spotting. Trend spotting is defined as systematically spotting and acting on emerging trends to help organizations capture market opportunities. Nonprofits are not immune to all the elements and circumstances that affect the rest of the world. To be an effective trend spotter, you must never stop learning about what is happening today that might affect tomorrow. Here are three tips to kickstart your trend spotting activity. First, be aware of key trends on a global, national, and regional scale, things that'll affect the majority of businesses like stock market volatility, new technology, real estate instability, and changes in tax code. Basically you may want to consider any headline in…
