From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Presenting your mission

Presenting your mission

- Today, you might see a commercial advocating for animal rights. Tomorrow, you might see an ad online asking you to give to an organization working to get clean water to people all over the world. The level of competition in the nonprofit industry is astounding, and it's getting bigger every day. The ongoing crusade for donations is a fast paced, and sometimes stressful race for revenue. So I want to share with you how to effectively present your mission with confidence. How you position your marketing strategy in the minds of prospects and donors is a key component in your presentations. This strategy identifies what makes your nonprofit unique in the eyes of the public. Essentially, your positioning statement will become the focus of your entire marketing and outreach strategy. Hopefully, you already have an awareness of your niche. This is the distinctive role your organization plays in your community, or industry, and…
