From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Defining a niche

Defining a niche

- Imagine calling a prospective donor in an attempt to get a meeting. What do you want them to think of when they hear your organization's name? What is it about your organization, the way you do business that should inspire them to think of you first when they have resources to give? These elements are what makes your organization unique. More specifically, these elements tie into your organization's niche. Your niche can be defined as the distinctive role your organization plays based on its particular ability to make a positive impact. The art of positioning and coming up with a positioning statement is being crystal clear on where your organization currently resides in your niche and identifying where you want to be. In order to build the reputation you desire, you need to be future-focused and know precisely how you want the public to think of your organization. This is where you can articulate your competitive…
