From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising Tips

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Analyzing to improve

Analyzing to improve

- Raw data, analytics, retention, microdata, quantitative variables, is your head spinning yet? Mine too. But don't get intimidated by these words and phrases. They are much easier to understand than you think. There are six pillars that contribute to successful fundraising. In this lesson I'm going to focus on the importance of data analytics. So, get that notepad ready because if you're anything like me you'll probably want to write down some of the terms used in this section. You might be wondering what exactly data analytics are, right? It's the process of gathering and using data for the purpose of obtaining constructive information. The key word in that definition is constructive. Data analysis is only valuable if it serves a purpose and helps you understand how you can better engage your current and prospective donors. Here are a few sample questions you might seek to answer through data analysis. Is…
