From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

What is Cause Selling?

- When you think about fundraising you probably think about making a lot of calls and getting plenty of rejections, but there is a better way to approach getting funds for your nonprofit. Understanding the foundations of the cause selling approach will help you build better relationships. Fundraising is all about relationships. Cause selling focuses on building relationships through a logical and action oriented approach that helps you achieve results for your donor's needs. This approach first involves seeking out potential donors who have a need, and interest in, and passion for your cause. Next, you will assist each donor in identifying and defining their particular need because they may not know how to articulate it. Then you will show how your cause fulfills that donor's defined need. Finally, you will inspire each donor to give. This process of seeking, assisting, showing, and inspiring a donor, takes time and may involve several colleagues or volunteers in addition to yourself. Donors rarely agree to make a gift in one conversation. Building a mutually beneficial relationship based on trust unfolds over several conversations. Your job during these steps is to help donors understand why your nonprofit exists. To sell your cause, you must learn how to build relationships with like-minded people and help them act on their desire to advance your nonprofit's goals. This gives the donor a chance to make a difference while you gain career satisfaction for making the world a better place. Remember, fundraising at its core, is relational. Behind the most successful causes are fundraising professionals who know how to build relationships that will advance the cause and fulfill donors needs. That is the essence of cause selling. And you can be a part of it. You've got this.
