From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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The Pareto principle

The Pareto principle

- What if I told you, you get the same effect from 20 pushups as you can from a 100 pushups, would you still do a 100 pushups to increase your strength? The effectiveness of a pushup has to do with the effort you put in. Time management is the same. It's effectiveness is not about quantity, but quality. With The Pareto Principle also known as the 80/20 rule, you can identify your priorities, and increase your qualitative outcomes. The Pareto Principle states that a small percentage of the input produces a majority of the output. This holds true to many areas of our lives. For example, is likely 20% of a company's employees produce 80% of that company's results. This applies to fundraising and time management too. There's a high chance your non-profit gains 80% of donations from 20% of donors, and 80% of our fundraising results come from 20% of our activities. So how do you identify and prioritize the 20% of your true…
