From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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System and processes

System and processes

- In Alice in Wonderland, after Alice asked for directions, the Cheshire Cat responds, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there." Do you know where you're going? Do you know what you're doing today? What about tomorrow? Successful fundraisers don't just take any road. They understand that every day requires focused activity. Systems and processes create order and help you focus. I want to walk you through finding the practice behaviors that boost your performance and provide you momentum, putting you on the right road. To reap the benefits, you must first acknowledge that you need a system and process to organize your time. Everything we do successfully is based on a system. Imagine if you didn't have a system for getting your kids to school in the morning, you'd spend the morning in chaos executing a last minute plan. But with a system in place, you and your partner have a plan for who…
