From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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Social style differences

Social style differences

- Men are from Mars and women are from Venus is a simple cliche that people sometimes spout when they're dealing with a disagreement. It's not only a generalization, but it's a far too simplistic view of how human beings behave and make decisions. In this lesson, you'll understand how pace and priorities affect the four dominant social styles and their decision making. The social styles model doesn't describe a person's beliefs, ethics, abilities or intelligence, but it does describe two basic attributes of a person's behavior, assertiveness and responsiveness. Additionally, there are two factors that affect a person's assertiveness and responsiveness. They are pace and priorities. Pace is the speed at which one prefers to move in conversation, deliberation and problem solving. Priorities are what a person considers important and tend to be related to their level of responsiveness. When looking at assertive social styles,…
