From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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Get organized and take control

Get organized and take control

- Habits can make or break you, figuring out how to be consistent and fall into a good routine is important. As Brian Tracy once said, Successful people are simply those with successful habits." By taking control and understanding what habits are holding you back, you'll become an effective user of time. If you believe you need to overhaul your time management habits, you'll likely fall into one, or more of these three time abuser profiles, the procrastinator, the people pleaser, or the perfectionist. Perhaps you're a procrastinator who waits until the last possible moment to complete a task. You throw yourself into a panic and create a lot of drama around the process, or maybe you're a people pleaser. They don't know how to say no or negotiate timelines. If you're in this category, you don't want to confront authority and end up over committing yourself. Finally, they're the perfectionist who Winston Churchill…
