From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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Do fundraisers really sell?

Do fundraisers really sell?

- Are fundraisers sellers? Before you answer that, I'd like you to ponder this quote from Stevie Wonder, who said, "If you don't ask, you don't get." Selling is essentially asking and it's something fundraisers do every day. I guarantee that at least once a day, you ask those around you to take an action or change their mind about something. It can happen in either your professional or personal life. Right now, you may be trying to convince your partner to start a home improvement project or convincing your boss to allocate funds in the budget for a new idea. You might even be rationalizing with your child to get them to eat something green. You even encounter people every day who ask you to do something or change your point of view. The waiter urges you to try that rich new dessert. The neighborhood association asked you to help with a community cleanup. A volunteer asked you to sign a petition that would put an issue…
