From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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Conquer the clutter

Conquer the clutter

- Would you consider yourself a minimalist or a maximalist? Well, researchers at UCLA's Center on Everyday Lives and Families took a look at how clutter impacts our moods and self-esteem. Their study found that the more items a woman had in her house, the higher her stress level. Decluttering doesn't only reduce stress but it also allows you to think more clearly and creatively. In this lesson, you will learn about the three steps to conquering the clutter in your personal and professional life. The three steps include collecting and sorting, using a calendar and putting away the rest. First, collect and sort your papers, files, and emails, then sort then into one of two categories: time-sensitive and some day materials. Time-sensitive materials have a clear due date and some day materials are items that need to be addressed. A good rule to follow is to never let a piece of paper or email pass through your hands more…
