From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide

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Cause Selling vs. fundraising

Cause Selling vs. fundraising

- Are you concerned with the bottom line? You might be cautious to answer yes because you think focusing on the bottom line means ignoring the heart led approach of fundraising. But just like in business, the bottom line matters in fundraising. In this lesson, you'll understand the similarities and differences between the business and nonprofit world and why cause selling is an effective tool for nonprofits. First, a nonprofit is not a business model but a tax status. Nonprofits make a profit to reinvest in its mission of social good, don't pay federal taxes, and must submit annual reports to the IRS. Businesses exist to make a profit are required to pay federal taxes and submit annual reports to the IRS. Both need a steady and predictable revenue stream to pursue their mission and purpose. Nonprofits need fundraising to secure most of its revenue and corporations depend upon product sales or services to generate…
