From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Understanding trends in engagement

Understanding trends in engagement

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Understanding trends in engagement

- An engaged employee is one who is consistently focused and enthusiastic about their work. They're committed and willing to do what it takes to help advance the interest of their team and the larger organization. In practice, however, this can be hard to achieve. In fact, research suggests that engagement in most organizations is at crisis levels. That's why understanding current trends in engagement is so vital to your success. Now, there are different drivers of engagement that come and go over time. A shift happens every five to 10 years. They happen due to changes in employee needs, economic realities, and larger changes in society. For example, spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of employees left their positions permanently or temporarily. This is often called the Great Resignation. Large numbers of people felt huge job dissatisfaction due to lack of purpose, wage stagnation, and so on. So it's now more…
