From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Understanding the team's history

Understanding the team's history

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Understanding the team's history

- One important step for new managers is to learn about the team's history. You see, each team has had wins and losses, employee turnover, new team members, leaders who have come and gone, and any number of changes to processes, policies, products, services, and so on. Your ability to build a strong team will be impacted by how well you learn and show respect for where the team has already been. You, of course, don't want to dwell on history, but you do want to be able to occasionally reference it for perspective. First, let's think about who you might talk to to learn this history. As you have time, bring this topic up with the team, your supervisor, and relevant former members of the group, regardless of their level in the organization. You might inquire about influential past members of the team, any significant personnel or work-related challenges the group faces now or in the past, or just inquire about what they…
