From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Putting service first

Putting service first

- All great managers are service minded. That means they advocate for others, especially their direct employees, as much or more than they advocate for themselves. There are several important reasons to care about being service minded. First, as a manager, your success depends on the performance of others, not just your own efforts. You have a very clear incentive to help and develop your team members because how they perform reflects strongly on you. In fact, demonstrating how well you can develop others is a prime consideration when people are making decisions about your future. Second, think about how you got where you are. You're likely to realize you have a duty to be service minded. You, no doubt, put in a lot of effort made good choices, learned and improved, and so on, but you were not alone on that journey, were you? Think about the supervisors, colleagues, and mentors who helped you. Think about the times you…
