From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Practical considerations for new managers

Practical considerations for new managers

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Practical considerations for new managers

- In this course, we've covered many core topics you'll want to consider, each with lots of tips and methods to try. So, where do you begin? First of all, the course isn't going anywhere. Come back and reference it whenever you need to. However, in addition, let me offer you just a few final thoughts that will help you as you embark on your journey as a manager. You can't do everything you know you're supposed to do and do it really well on your first day. Getting better as a manager takes time, so take a deep breath and just begin by being kind and listening more than you talk so you can get to know your team. Then try choosing just one area of leadership you know you need to think about, not 20, just one. Then think, study, and talk to someone who knows more than you, and engage the skill. As you gain comfort with that one, try another. It doesn't have to be more complex than that. Next, when you're not sure…
