From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Modeling the way

Modeling the way

- There are different ways that leaders have an impact on their teams from the decisions they make to how they treat everyone. However, the most undervalued mode of influence you have is modeling the way. Modeling behavior is about getting past words and platitudes to embrace behaviors that clearly demonstrate the values you hold and the standards you expect of yourself and others. How well the behaviors match what you espouse has a huge impact on your credibility. The truth is you do live in a glass house. When you accept a position of leadership, people are watching you: your employees, peers, supervisor, the leadership team, clients, and so on. So be thoughtful about what you say and even more thoughtful about how you behave. Now, the goal is not to be perfect, of course, but you do need to strive for meaningful consistency between what you espouse and how you act. So, for example, you can't talk about your support for…
