From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Managing former co-workers

Managing former co-workers

- Leading others who were recently your coworkers is one of the most difficult situations for any new manager. Your professional relationship with this person or group will need to change, but don't worry. You can develop new quality relationships with all of them. It's essential to address this issue early before you begin the new role, so you don't surprise any former coworkers with your behavior. So let's start by understanding this important rule. No favoritism allowed. Favoritism is a tendency to see some people more as friends that employees, leading to judgments and decisions about them that are not really justified based on the merits. This practice is unfair, and strongly undermines your credibility. Your goal is to lead a clear meritocracy, in other words, to allow decisions to benefit those who have earned it based on performance. Next, conduct private one-on-one meetings with any former coworkers. Just say…
