From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Leading in challenging times

Leading in challenging times

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Leading in challenging times

- It's abundantly clear that we live in turbulent times. From the global pandemic, political strife and war, and significant economic worries to local industry changes, supply chain problems, or shifts in technology, any one of which can cause a strain for your organization and your team. Challenging times predictably lead to employees who experience higher levels of stress and anxiety. They worry about what's going on in their communities. They worry about job security. They worry about their families. So, how do you lead them in challenging times? There is no magic answer to this question, but there are several simple and powerful behaviors that definitely help. First, own the situation. Don't act like it isn't happening. Don't wait until the team speaks up before you address the issue. Be positive and be proactive. Let them know you're all in this together. You don't have to have immediate answers, but you do have to…
