From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Increasing your authenticity

Increasing your authenticity

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Increasing your authenticity

- Effective leaders should show both competence and confidence. You project confidence through your words and nonverbal behaviors such as eye contact and tone of voice. You project competence, ultimately, through the quality of your decisions. However, the most successful leaders, the ones who create the strongest teams, are not merely confident and competent, they are also real, raw, and somewhat unfiltered. What many refer to as authentic. To be authentic means to be open, to show your humanity, to be humble, and to always model the way. These are the characteristics that allow confidence and competence to have maximum impact. To begin, remember to remain open as a decision-maker. Sometimes you have to make quick decisions yourself. However, most of the time you want to be inclusive and use a democratic, collaborative process. The more successfully you give others voice in the decision-making process, the more you…
