From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Embracing shared authority

Embracing shared authority

- You know that collaborative decision making and shared authority are essential to your success, but do you know how to actually do that? The key is being a little systematic and strategic. You don't randomly choose to assert authority over here and share authority over there. The process needs to be thoughtful. It starts with knowing the team's history, specifically with regard to decision making. So, are they used to being told what to do? Are they used to large amounts of autonomy and participation or something in between? To find out, chat with the former supervisor if possible, or your new supervisor to see if they have any insights, and of course, engage casual conversation with the team. Next, try to identify an initial go-to person on the team you feel is competent and trustworthy. You want to chat with them in a bit more detail about key decisions that impact the team so that you can learn about two things. First, a…
