From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion

Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion

- Diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, is imperative for businesses today. Job seekers care about the issue and hiring managers and executives know it's strategically essential for success. Just to be clear, diversity is about acknowledging and embracing all of the ways people differ, including race, gender, age, disability, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and so on. Equity at work is about creating a level playing field in which people have equal opportunities to be successful. Inclusion is about ensuring meaningful voice and participation, not just peripheral representation. This topic matters for you. Globally, as women continue to gain ground and as racial diversity continues to increase in numerous ways, these changes are impacting your labor pool and how you operate, both as an organization and as an individual manager. At a high level, organizations are rethinking recruiting, the composition of their…
