From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Defining a sense of purpose

Defining a sense of purpose

- So why do we do what we do at work every day? Is it a paycheck or purpose? By purpose, I'm referring to a higher level feeling that what we do matters. Think about it. People just showing up to earn a paycheck experience no joy, no real engagement, no desire to take risks to improve things and they are often less loyal to you and the organization. So let's think about where purpose comes from. For some of us, it's derived from what I call fit. That's an alignment between your personality, skills and your job. High fit usually means you appreciate your job, take pride in your work, and yes, feel some amount of purpose. Long-term, as a manager, you can get to know your people and help many of them find better fit. But what can you do right now and every day? A few things. The most important is creating and maintaining positive relationships at work. This has a huge impact on the daily employee experience. Great teams…
