From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Creating psychological safety

Creating psychological safety

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Creating psychological safety

- Great teams aren't just good stewards of the status quo. They push and strive for innovation which means they need psychological safety. That's a belief that it's okay to speak up with ideas, questions, or concerns without fear of being punished or strongly evaluated. A high performing team can't have members who are worried about taking smart risks, failing and learning, sharing unpopular opinions, and in general, being candid. With strong psychological safety, employees feel valued, secure, accepted, and willing to support innovation. So, here are several strategies you can use to bolster the experience of psychological safety. The first is to listen and practice empathy. Listening is the most powerful form of communication because it's the only one that immediately informs you about the other person. Empathy is the ability to listen with caring so you understand and feel some of what the other person is experiencing.…
