From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Buildling self-awareness

Buildling self-awareness

- Self-awareness is the ability to monitor and understand your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Research clearly shows, stronger self-awareness is related to stronger leadership ability. That's because as you gain self-awareness, you tend to become better at practicing empathy, being adaptable, feeling confident, and being patient and kind. So how do you build better self-awareness? It's all about looking for evidence of your thoughts, feelings, and abilities. It's a process of focusing in a way that helps you learn about yourself. That's strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, and emotional triggers. To achieve these insights, you're going to start by generating many of them yourself. There are a few ways to do this. One method I always recommend is using a performance journal. This is a space where you take regular notes, just three or four minutes per day, to capture what's been happening. Specifically, think…
