From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Avoiding common leadership mistakes

Avoiding common leadership mistakes

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Avoiding common leadership mistakes

- It's very useful to think through things you should do to be an effective new manager. However, it's also useful to think about a few mistakes you're smart to avoid. Let me help you recognize a few of the big ones. Let's start with not being accessible. Many new managers hide out in their office door closed, studying and learning about their new role. This can be a problem. The team needs to know they can reach you or see you when needed. Early in your tenure is the time you want to be extra accessible, so keep the door open, and remember to go walking around and check in with the team instead of sitting in your office too often. Next is assuming others think like you think. This common bias leads us to believe others feel like we feel and want what we want. Thus, decisions don't reflect the team's interests as much as they should. The solution is to be conscious about checking your assumptions. Start asking…
