From the course: Nano Tips to Sharpen Your Critical Thinking with Shadé Zahrai

Questioning to stretch your thinking

The key to powerful thinking is starting with powerful questioning. Critical questioning, also known as Socratic questioning, is a technique that helps stroke your curiosity and stretch your thinking. As Socrates once said, "I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think." Here are three types of critical questions to help you stand out as an analytical and astute listener. Clarification Questions. What do you mean by X? What I understand is. Is that correct? Could you share an example? Reason and evidence questions. What led you to that perspective? Why do you think that's true? What other information might we need? Implications. What effect would that have if that happened, what else would happen as a result? What's an alternative? Asking these critical questions helps you foster your critical thinking and improves your problem solving skills.
