From the course: Nano Tips for Using ChatGPT for Marketers with Ross Simmonds

How to make amazing visuals using ChatGPT - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: Nano Tips for Using ChatGPT for Marketers with Ross Simmonds

How to make amazing visuals using ChatGPT

- One of the final frontiers for marketers leveraging AI to create great content is the ability to develop visuals. And now thanks to ChatGPT combining and launching DALL-E, you now have the ability, after you have mastered the art of writing a great prompt, to ask ChatGPT to actually create for you visual assets that can go into those very blog posts that you just had, ChatGPT Craft. So instead of just writing the blog post and then running off to a stock photo site to try and find stock photos that can fit into it, you can say, "ChatGPT, I want you to create four images that will fit into this blog post after my headers. Can you craft that for me? Get specific, get detailed." Ask it for a prompt even for what it thinks might make for a good visual here, and within the matter of seconds, you can have the graphics developed for your blog post directly in ChatGPT. (relaxing music)
