From the course: MySQL Essential Training

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- [Bill] Hi, I am Bill Weinman. In this course, my goal was to provide you with the basic knowledge that you'll need to use MySQL effectively for your database applications. I've covered the basic syntax of SQL as implemented by MySQL, so you may be well prepared to construct your own database queries. The specific data types used by MySQL and how those data types work, so you may create effective database schemas for your applications. The operators and functions specific to MySQL, including string and math functions. And I've covered the major differences between MySQL and standard SQL, so you can more readily convert SQL from other environments. MySQL is one of the most widely deployed database systems in the world, and knowing how it works will serve you well for creating your own database applications. I hope you've enjoyed this course as much as I've enjoyed creating it for you. So have fun and create something wonderful with your new MySQL skills.
