From the course: MySQL Essential Training

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- [Bill] Hi, I am Bill Weinman. Current versions of MySQL now support a form of the standard SQL comments. Though it's not exactly correct and older versions have not always supported at all. A standard SQL comment looks like this. You have two dashes and then the comment, and you'll notice that MySQL gives us this little red X here because this does not count as a comment in MySQL. In MySQL, it is required that you put a space after the two dashes that introduce a standard SQL comment. Now it's a comment and it is recognized by MySQL. MySQL also supports comments introduced by a hash mark or a pound sign, and you'll notice that that works just fine in MySQL, even without the space, although the space is always a good idea. This is not a standard SQL comment and in other systems, this will not count as a comment at all and will give a syntax error. Modern SQL in the standard also supports multi-line comments like this. This is a standard SQL multi-line comment. It's borrowed from the…
