From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals

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- Thank you for watching "Music Theory for Songwriters." I hope it will inspire you for years to come and help you develop your songwriting skills. Look for the other courses in our Music Theory for Songwriters series and check out all the other courses about songwriting on Courses like Write, Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter, The Dos and Don'ts of Songwriting Collaboration, and our Songwriting in a DAW Series, including songwriting in Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, GarageBand, and Reason. If you're interested in promoting your songs, finding better ways to sell your songs and merchandise, understanding music contracts, or getting started in the songwriting business, check out all the courses on the music business including Getting Started in the Business of Songwriting, Selling Music Merchandise, Music Law: Copywriting a song, and Music Law: Recording, Management, Rights, and Performance Contracts.…
