From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals
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Intervals: Perfect and major
From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals
Intervals: Perfect and major
- All scales are made up of a series of intervals. An interval is the distance between two pitches. We've discussed a few intervals already. The octave. (piano music) (guitar music) Semitone or half-step. And the whole tone, or whole step. Intervals can be described in two ways. The first is horizontal or melodic, when two tones happen one after another in time. The second is vertical or harmonic, when two tones happen simultaneously, which is what happens when you play a chord. The smallest interval that occurs in Western music, as I mentioned earlier, is a semitone. It's important to note that in other musical systems around the world, there are further divisions of notes than the semi-tone. We refer to the visions that lie outside the 12 tone system as microtones. For example, in Raga, the classical Hindustani musical form, there are 26 notes that make up the octave. They use a different tuning system to…
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The octave4m 12s
Seven white notes and five black notes4m 20s
The diatonic scale and the major scale5m 18s
Intervals: Perfect and major7m 20s
Intervals: Minor, augmented, and diminished6m 1s
The concept of key3m 12s
The circle of fourths and fifths8m 29s
Figuring out intervals6m 33s