From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Working in rooms

Working in rooms

- [Instructor] While you might be very used to channels inside of Discord and being able to learn from other users, not to mention Chat, Midjourney has a solution on their website called Rooms that's worth taking a look at. We've already become familiar with the Explore section, which will allow us to see artwork that parts of the Midjourney community have decided to share and we can use and remix as well as use as style references for our own work. The fourth tab here at the top section is what's called Rooms, and currently at the time of this recording, there are only three available to you. One that's a general purpose for creating and discussing, there's also a room for a daily theme currently set to cottagecore futurism, one for superusers, which is available for anyone who's created at least a thousand images on Midjourney. Now, just before we go over, just on the bottom left, there is an option here to switch the interface over to Dark Mode rather than working in light. And…
