From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Using the Style Reference parameter

Using the Style Reference parameter

- [Instructor] In Midjourney version Six Alpha, they've recently introduced a new parameter called Style Reference. This gives us the ability to add an image to the end of a parameter, to use it so that we can define the aesthetic of the images that we would like to produce. So unlike an image that we'll use in conjunction with a text reference or how we've used it with very region, this is added in the parameter section. Let's see how we can use this. First thing we want to do is upload the images that we want to use or have the links on file of what we want to reference. In this case, I've already supplied some images for us for this movie. So click on the plus icon in your Midjourney bot, and let's choose upload a file. In the Midjourney image assets, you will find a public domain folder. Let's take a look at some of those image references that we can use. In this case, we'll use the last one here, the Portrait…
