From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Using Midjourney's 5.2 Zoom feature

Using Midjourney's 5.2 Zoom feature

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to explore the zoom out feature, which is available on up res images inside of Midjourney. So first of all, let's all start with a prompt, in order to see this. I am going to head with my direct conversation with the Midjourney bot, and let's type in /imagine. So we'll set up a prompt here, followed by a colon, and I'm going to type in, "A candid portrait of a baseball player shot in the 1920s with a 35-millimeter lens." Okay, let's follow that with a comma. And for the aspect ratio, --ar, let's choose a six-by-nine image, which is great for portrait and we'll keep it at that. So let's press return, and we'll see what Midjourney comes up with. And here we can see our four options. I like the one on the bottom right, so that's what I'm going to up res. And once the up res becomes available here, we'll be able to see the zoom features. We have a couple zoom out options. One is…
