From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Understanding Midjourney copyright

Understanding Midjourney copyright

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to discuss rights and copyright as it refers to images that are produced with Midjourney. Let's start off by doing a prompt here. We're going to do the /help, and after we press the return key to bring up some basic resources, let's go to the Getting Started Midjourney documentation. Here, just below the quick start guide, you'll see some of the most viewed articles, and the first thing that we want to do is go to the subscription plans. Once you get to this page, scroll down to plan comparisons, and to the very bottom. We're going to talk to you about usage rights. Companies that make more than a million dollars in revenue, you have to purchase the Pro plan in order to go by these general terms. Now, let's just look at this a little bit deeper. We're just going to click on this Terms of Service button, and under Terms of Service, if we scroll down a little bit, we'll find the…
