From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Prompting on Midjourney, viewing your images, and finding inspiration

Prompting on Midjourney, viewing your images, and finding inspiration - Midjourney Tutorial

From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Prompting on Midjourney, viewing your images, and finding inspiration

- [Instructor] In the last few movies, we became familiar with how we can text prompt in a channel directly on Discord or on And at the time of this recording, this is available to anyone who has produced over 100 images. Now, there's a few other things that you should know to find out information about your images that could be helpful. One is that we can actually find out information about this specific job, as well as seed number directly in the Midjourney server. The way that we do this is to click on the Add Reaction button right next to the actual prompt that you're interested into. And what you should find is an envelope. So if you don't find that envelope for any reason, you can type in the word envelope up here, and by simply clicking on that envelope, what it's going to do is ask it for information about this specific job. You can see that it shows up here at the side in the Midjourney Bot. If I click on that, here's that information about the job that I sent…
