From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Pan and vary images

Pan and vary images

- [Instructor] In Midjourney 5.2, after you have upscaled or up-resed your images, you now have a variety of options that you can use to make subtle changes to the framing, not to mention vary elements that exist within that image. Now, in order to see this, let's all start off by creating a text prompt together. We'll then choose which image to up-res and then see these options and then start to work with them. Okay, so I'm here in my Midjourney bot, and let's start with our most used imagine command, /imagine prompts, followed by a colon. And let's type in a monkey climbing up a banana tree in the Amazon rainforest shot on a 600 millimeter lens. I'll follow that with a comma. Let's choose an aspect ratio, so --ar Let's go with 16.9 in my case and see what Midjourney comes up with. Okay, this is really cool. We got a lot of cute monkeys here. I kind of like this one in the upper right hand corner. So I'm going to up-res…
