From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Organizing and rerolling previous image creations

Organizing and rerolling previous image creations - Midjourney Tutorial

From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Organizing and rerolling previous image creations

- [Instructor] Like we've done in the Explore Page, we can also use search functionality inside of our own Archives. Just on our sidebar here, let's click on the word archive. Here is a collection of all of the images that we have generated inside of Midjourney. Rather than scroll down, we can use a number of filters to sift through this content. One, we could just identify anything that we have liked in the past. We can search for grids or anything that we've upscaled. And some of my favorites happen to be down here at the bottom. We can search for things by image size as well as a version number. I'm going to click see more for version number 'cause I've been using Midjourney for quite a bit. And I want to find a few images that I've created in version four and version three. In addition to just revealing these images, at the top here, I'm going to search for the word creativity. I ran a series of images in these versions specifically related towards creativity. Many of these images…
