From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Midjourney parameters for lighting, image size, and more

Midjourney parameters for lighting, image size, and more - Midjourney Tutorial

From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Midjourney parameters for lighting, image size, and more

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to get more familiar with parameters and how they work in conjunction with our text prompts. We're already a bit familiar with parameters as we added dash dash ar to the end of some of our text prompts, which allowed us to define the width and height of what we would like out of a photo. But these parameters can go that much deeper. Let's start off with a simple text prompt and then duplicate that text prompt with a parameter in mind. So I'm going to just type in here, imagine prompt a 1970s disco party at a nightclub. I'll follow this with a comma and the parameter that we're already familiar with, which is dash dash ar 69, and let's see what we get. Okay, so here are the four images that were generated using version V6. I can see that some of these are pretty good in terms of a disco party, but I don't like the empty room. I also don't like the colors blue and purple. So…
