From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Getting help and adjusting settings

Getting help and adjusting settings

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to get familiar with how we can ask Midjourney for help. Not to mention, discover the base settings that we're working with. Just to recap, in the last few movies I've been using a direct messaging system with the Midjourney Bot 'cause I'm on a paid subscription. This also allows us to see the images that are being produced without the hassle of a channel. So this is how we can ask Midjourney for help. All we have to do, like we've done with Imagine, is type in forward /help followed by the return key, and that's going to produce a bunch of different resources of where we can go for that help. One of my favorite areas is the Quick Start Guide. If we click on this, it's going to lead us to a webpage of Midjourney documentation, where we'll click on the Quick Start Guide. Here, you'll discover a recap of things that we've already done in this training, such as the imagine command, its…
