From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Generative image app alternatives

Generative image app alternatives

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take a look at some other text-to-image based alternatives besides Midjourney. We're going to start off by looking at DreamStudio, which is still in beta,, and it actually taps into a model called Stable Diffusion. Like other services that we saw earlier, you basically purchase a certain series of credits, and with those credits you can generate imagery. With a free account, you get a certain amount of credits that you can start with. In looking at DreamStudio, on the left-hand side, you can first of all choose the model that you'd like to work with. So, right now we can see the various Stable Diffusion models that we can generate images with, including a beta for Stable Diffusion XL. And next, we can choose a style of art that we would like to base the prompt off of. You can see some other ones loading up here. I'm going to choose Low poly in this instance.…
