From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Downloading and using the exercise files

Downloading and using the exercise files

- [Narrator] If you have a Premium Membership, you'll have access to exercise files that you can use throughout this course. Simply download them from the course page. Now, once you do, save them in a safe place, such as your desktop, your documents or your downloads folder, and I will call you at certain points during different movies to use these images for various processes. For instance, if we double-click the Midjourney Images folder, which is the exercise files, there are two folders I want you to be aware of. One is the Image to Image folder, which we'll use for blending images, not to mention, using an image reference as part of a text prompt. If I add back, the other folder are some mid journey images that I produced in an earlier date that we'll use with other generative AI art apps to see what else is possible. Now, in addition to this, I've also included a ton of examples that you can reference after or…
