From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Creating your first Midjourney text prompt - Midjourney Tutorial

From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Creating your first Midjourney text prompt

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to get familiar with creating our first text prompt inside of Midjourney. In the last video, we set this all up. We set up an account for Discord. In this particular instance, I'm using Discord as a Mac app, but you can use this through your web browser or even on your phone. And the second step to that puzzle was actually going to and signing up for the beta. It then brought us back to Discord where we now have access to the Midjourney server identified by the sailboat. And we're going to start to create a prompt in one of these Newbie channels, which has been created for people on the trial that we're using. So if we see here in the Welcome, the trial allows us a certain amount of prompts before it then is going to ask us if we want to continue using Midjourney on a subscription. And it should be mentioned that the subscription offers several other additions that we can't quite see right now, and we'll see you later in this training, not available when we're just starting out. To start up our prompts, first of all, we're going to go to the Newbies channel. And one thing to mention as we start to create artwork in one of these channels is that several other people are doing it at the same time. Everything that we enter is going to be at the bottom of the screen here. And we're going to, first of all, type in a forward slash, the prompt that we're looking to write is Imagine Prompts. So, if I click on this, because it's frequently used, it's going to write it for me and I'm going to follow that with a colon. What we choose to create is all up to us, but I would like to see a purple sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Now, if this is your first time ever prompting, you're going to be triggered to accept Midjourney conditions and settings here in a sec. Press Return. So, I'll click on Accept the Terms of Service, and now that that is done, I'm going to enter that prompt again. To message the Midjourney server, I'm going to press forward slash, let's use that Imagine Prompts, a purple sunset over the Pacific Ocean. I'll press the Return key and Midjourney gets to work. Again, several other people are prompting here, so, we might lose track of our art. We can try to scroll up to find it, but there happens to be a better way. At the top of Midjourney, on the top right-hand corner is an inbox, and if you click on that inbox and we click on Mentions, we should see the prompt that we just entered. And by simply clicking on the button Jump, it's going to jump to that point in the Newbies channel. Now, in terms of what we're seeing here, we have four one-by-one variations of the text prompt that I just entered, and it's up to us to figure out which one we like. In taking a look at this, I kind of like the one on the lower left, and this is identified by the number three. So, 1, 2, 3, and 4. And the buttons down here correspond to whether you want to enlarge or up res one of those images, create more variations of it. So I like three, but I'd like to see a few different variations, so I'm going to click on the V3 button, and once I do, Midjourney is going to get to work again. If I want to keep track of the generation again, I'm going to go to my inbox and I can see the variations that it's doing specifically of this third image on the lower left. And I'm going to jump to it. Jump to it in the thread, that job seems to be done. If it's still generating, we'll have a percent value that shows up here at the top. So, now that I have these four generations, if you like one of these images, and now, in taking a look at this, I'm pretty pleased with the one on the top right. I'm now going to up res it or enlarge it by pressing on U2. And heading back to our inbox, we can see there that the Midjourney server is still waiting to start, but again, we can jump there and track the process of its creation. Now, one additional thing, while you can see all of your images being produced inside the Newbies channel under the Midjourney server in Discord, we could also prompt on using the same text prompt and seeing the generation happen there. We'll do this in the next movie. I'm just going to wait for this to finish generating so I can take a look at it. So here is that completed image. Now, up ressed and if you right or Control-click the image, we can save that image to our system right now and use it. Alternatively, we can also do a beta upscale redo, which we'll get into a little bit later, making the image a bit sharper or even a light upscale redo, which will respond slightly differently. But there you have it. We've already now created our first prompts with Midjourney. Let's continue to see what else we can do with this incredible generative image app.
